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Where's Spidey? Marvel Entertainment International Ltd

Where's Spidey? par Marvel Entertainment International Ltd

Where's Spidey? Marvel Entertainment International Ltd

6,70 €
État - Très bon état
40+ en stock

Where's Spidey? Résumé

Where's Spidey?: A Spider-Man search & find book Marvel Entertainment International Ltd

An action-packed Spider-Man search-and-find book with original illustrations, to celebrate Spidey's 60th anniversary! Spidey is missing! New York City is under attack. A horde of villains is causing mayhem across the city, and there's only one person who can stop them - Spider-Man! But where is he? Search for Spidey among the crowds around NYC before the whole city falls to chaos! From Green Goblin attacking a bridge to strange experiments in Doctor Octopus' lab, Spidey fans will love hunting down the villains and spotting lots of hidden details along the way. (c) 2022 MARVEL Also available - Where's Mickey? - Beano Where's Gnasher?

Informations supplémentaires

Where's Spidey?: A Spider-Man search & find book Marvel Entertainment International Ltd
Occasion - Très bon état
Bonnier Books Ltd
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